Animal jam secrets
- if you hop on coral canyons bridge it could break and you could get a prize
- sleep by the pit in temple of zios and get a nm glove
- hop on ice and get free membership!
- go to braddy bar lab and go on potions and you can get rainbow by 1st click the blue then the green then the red then the blue again then the green again then the red again then the blue again then the green then the red again then click the fire 3 times and u get a rainbow potion!
- go to canyon pathways and stand near then oppisote exit from crytal sands then change animals and click left side and u go up!
- to do a blnk message click space bar
- go to jamaa go by the buddy room then click fountain and do a move very fast
- you can change your writing to faces just do : before and after and you can pop up a face
- go to crystal sands go up to the slides go on the 1 to the left and click the rocks for a beautiful sight
- new secret light light light blue color click botttom right corner and it will apperar!